The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also be a time when some people struggle to stay healthy and make healthy choices. Here are some healthy tips to avoid the holiday weight gain struggle, and to help you focus on making healthy choices.

5 Healthy Habits for the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also be a time when some people struggle to stay healthy and make healthy choices. On average, people gain about 1 pound during the November to December timeframe. Although that may not sound significant, it can add up year after year and lead to unintentional weight gain. Here are some healthy tips to avoid the holiday weight gain struggle, and to help you focus on making healthy choices.

Focus on What You Can Bring to the Table

Focusing on what you can bring to a holiday celebration is a great way to set yourself up for success. Bring a veggie tray, healthier side item or even offering to host the holiday (so you can be in control of the meal and modifications). These options give you more control over the variables that can potentially derail a healthy holiday experience.

Portions & Plating

Being aware of portions sizes and plating is a great way to keep your holidays healthier. Get a good idea of what is being served and focus on making half of your plate veggies, a quarter of your plate protein, and the last quarter carbohydrates. Starting with smaller more accurate portions can prevent the dreaded overeating, and can set you up for a more pleasant holiday experience. Remember, you can always start small and get seconds or take leftovers with you. You don’t have to eat all your food at one mealtime!

Avoiding High-Calorie Beverages & Liquid Calories

Avoiding high-calorie alcoholic beverages (such as beer, wine and mixers). Focus on hydration by utilizing low-calorie beverage options, like tea, no-calorie bubbly water or decaf coffee. These simple changes can help you avoid drinks with no nutritional value and significant excess calories.

Staying Active During the Holidays

Incorporating more activity into your holiday plans and traditions is a great way to feel healthier during your celebrations. A scavenger hunt, tossing a football or going for a family walk will add needed and fun activity to your family’s holiday memories.. this will mean more quality time and a healthier outlook on the day. It’s not just about eating, but rather about doing things together and being together.

Managing Holiday Desserts

One of the most dreaded conversations about a healthy holiday season revolves around desserts. Try not to make excess desserts that would be tempting leftovers. Enjoying your holiday desserts using small portions or by following the 2-bite rule can also set your up for success with sweets. 2 bites cure the sweet craving, everything after that is just feeding old behaviors and habits.

Food does not need to be the center of your holidays. Focusing on what you can control and taking an active role in your health is a great way to set yourself up for a healthy happy holiday season! If you’re looking for some extra help to stay on track this holiday season, book a consultation with us!